Rebecca Carter...
MA Performance Making 2018 - 2021

BYOB (bring your own body) is a collaborative piece made with Claire Leith for our self led Performance Festival, CLEAVE, July 2021, as part of our final dissertation.

BYOB (bring your own body) is a performance art piece in which the materials of a party are deconstructed in mini rituals that both reminisce and mourn party culture. These materials consist of; Sound, Lights, Dress, Drink and Food. The show is a direct response to the ongoing pandemic and has developed, quite literally, by the physical and psychological restrictions of a changed/changing world. With an alternative party playlist consisting of; Harold Budd, Briano Eno, BBC Birdsong and Torvil and Dean's Bolero, the performance leans into the melancholic feeling of remembering all of the things we ‘could do’ but now ‘can’t’ through a structure of poetic listing.

Photo credits: Sheila Burnett

BYOB (bring your own body)